About Ming-Che
My Story
I am currently a project assistant engineer at the National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan.
I got my Ph.D. degree (supervisor: Hyeonjeong Jeong Ph.D.) from Tohoku University. Before studying in the Ph.D. program, I was a research assistant in the Department of Psychology, Fu-Jen Catholic University (PI: Yi-Shiuan Chiu Ph.D.).
I got my master's degree (supervisor: Rik De Busser Ph.D.) from Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University. In 2014 - 2015, I received training in fMRI experiments at Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University. The supervisors at that time are Hyeonjeong Jeong Ph.D. and Kawashima Ryuta MD.
I have several hobbies, and one of them is photography. Sometimes I participate in photo contests and win some awards.
Representative research outputs:
Hsieh, M. (2019). Newspapers speak “two” languages: Evidence from the
use of fānzhuǎn “flip” in Taiwan. IEICE Technical Report 119(151), 55-59.
Hsieh, M., Jeong, H., Sasaki, Y., Lee, H., Kawata, H., Yokoyama, S. Sugiura,
M., and Kawashima, R. (2017). Neural correlates of bilingual language
control during interlingual homographs in a logogram writing system
Brain and Language, 174, 72-85.
Selected awards and grants
2019/4 - Joint Research Program of Joint Usage / Research Center
2021/3 Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer, Tohoku University
(JPY¥ 300,000)
2019/4 日本台湾交流協会奨学金(日本採用、同文部省奨学金)
公益財団法人日本台湾交流協会(JPY¥ 148,000/month)
2019/4 President Fellowship
Tohoku University (JPY¥ 535,800/year)
2015/8 Award for the Outstanding Exchange Student
Office of International Cooperation
National Chengchi University
2015/6 Travel grant from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Serial number: MOST-104-2922-I-004-046(NTD$ 55,000)
2014/4 JASSO Scholarship for Short-Term Study in Japan
(JPY¥80,000/month for a year)